lord this game made me scream so much and stay up far too late giggling and kicking my feet... ray my beloved (and the really amazing worldbuilding too, like good god this is so interesting and fun!)
Really enjoyed this VN. Told a nice contained story but made you care about the world. Also nice work on the art, those hypersaturated cgs near the end were particularly gorgeous
the story was really good, i don't want to be one of those ppl, but every ending was really triggering, i get it has a warning page, but i don't know, it didn't emotionally prepare me for that. good game though! just because I'm fragile doesn't mean it wasn't a positively fabulous read! btw, did i get all the ends? or do all of them end with suffering like i thought they did?
OMG THERE ARE AFTER STORIES!!!!!! for some reason for my first playthroughs they didn't show up but i finally git to play them and let me just say Ray has my whole and complete heart and i finally got all the achievements yay!
ok so what I did was I got every ending even the window and door ending , the next day I finally noticed the after stories in the top left corner ones I played through all the after stores I got the final achievement
I really loved this game! All LI were interesting and fun, my favourite being Ray. I'm also very grateful for the walkthrough too. Thank you guys for making it <3
this is peak storytelling. the writing is so interesting and the main love interest such a compelling character. in some ways, i wish the game were longer just so i could stay immersed in this world for as long as possible. in other ways, i feel like the game is perfect as is, everything that needed to be said was said. the art and music are the perfect partners in elevating the story. it's been two days since i played, and only now can i articulate how this game made me feel. if you're hesitant at all in playing, please take this as your sign to give it a try.
this being the first vn i play in a hot min was great. terrifying....but great. i honestly havent felt like so great as of recent so me needing to literally STAND AND START PACING WHILE PLAYING THIS AND GIGGLING AND SHIT.. this is peak. 2000/10. thank yeww!!
I just recently got into visual novels and played both this game and Favor and I need to say that this is amazing, you are amazing. I hope you continue making these games cuz' they truly are a highlight of my life :)
I LOVE THIS GAME!!! I love Ray and just want to see this man get some sleep, I like to imagine that in Ray's good ending he eventually quits the NAHA and get some MUCH needed therapy and he gets to live a normal life with MC
Whoops! I misclicked and accidentally deleted the comment (I believe from a user called Kris) when trying to reply to it😱😭😭😭 IM SO SORRY! There is a guide attached in the downloads.
In order to get the 'complete all' achievement you will need to read all of the side stories aswell
The gender of the main character is not specified, so you should be able to play as whatever gender you would like. Please note that the love interests are male and non binary. :)
Cute game! I'm just wondering how do you get the "Complete all of Binary Star Hero" ending, cause I'm pretty sure I got all the cgs, and other endings. I even went though all the after stories. And I can't seem to find any guide on the last ending? Oh and btw the walkthrough is kinda blury and hard to seem for some reason Q^Q please fix it or upload another version tysm.
Thank You so much CONCRETEPARASITE for making the games I have watched various gameplays and did AI chats with Binary Star. I have a few mundane questions about Ray and the other characters. I really appreciated if u could answer them.
I want to start off with what is Ray last name when he does paperwork. I know he was under another care of the big time famous hero in the 80's so I assume until Ray was 18 he took his guardian last name.
Then about Miles, it was mention that his father was a famous villian and how he comes from a long line of villainy. Does Miles have any superpowers? I wish the MC could get a sneak peak of the relationship between Miles and his dad such as overhearing a phone call or something similar to that.
I wish that the MC encounters Ray boss at least once like a Easter egg such as MC accidently bumping into Ray Boss without knowing it.
If you do make another Binary Star game in the future I would definitely like to see Blaze again so he can give more backstory about Ray or as his firey self.
Last question I have in my mind right now is regarding to MC family. I know the details may seem unimportant to the story and I may be asking too much but who are MC parents and siblings? Are the siblings older or younger? How many siblings does the MC have? Do the family know about MC past villian activities?
Just a random headcanon ideas if Ray met MC family such as a face time call, visiting them for Thanksgiving, or the family track and find MC themselves.
I've completed all endings so far, this game made me feel some emotions and opinions so I decided to write this review. I'm scatterbrained, and so is this review so sorry lol ;p
first of all, I really love the cosmic elements of this game. It's unique, and it shines through the plethora of other phycological/romantic visual novels of this kind. I was a bit disappointed that the ray endings didn't have much elaboration. We get a little bit of backstory from the comment thread but it would've been cool if more was uncovered during this ending as it can be argued this is the "true" Ray/Binary Star ending. We also get snippets of what his life was like during Binary Star and the hero's association but it's never really fleshed out and it's disappointing because I bet this would've been a really intriguing plot if the player decides to go with ray's ending. In general, if the hero vs villains concept had more cosmic features to it I believe this story would stand out a lot more.
alien invasion feels too comic/satire like for me to take it seriously as a major plot point, which it is in one of the endings. Whenever they mention alien invasion i just think of 60 seconds lol. Maybe if the aliens were more expanded upon and were given unique features and name for the species but the author never really goes into depth so i feel detached. Tell me more about these aliens, how were they created? how do they work? why are they so evil? why do they hate humans?
the family backstory for the MC is unnecessary and it would've made more sense if they were a mid 20's villain escapee with no kids who stole to provide for their own family instead of kids. Especially since the way the MC acts throughout the game is childish and they hardly thinks about her kids except for a few times, which is unrealistic especially considering the circumstance. They would've at least reached out once throughout the start of the game to see how the kids or caretaker is doing. Also, knowing the character of Double, how come he doesn't use the kids against MC? either way, this could've been rewritten/developed more
MC acts like they are a civilian rather than a villian in most parts. They hardly show off their (i'd assume to be) expansive insider knowledge of the heros vs villian fighting except for one instance. they also act repulsed/shocked at whenever ray/binary star does some wild shit when the MC should be used to it, hell, even attracted to it.
double feels like a cartoon villian. I love his concept as a character but its hard to see him as a character rather than a caricature. His name also reminds me of double stuffed oreos so theres that
there are moments, especially when ray shows of his cosmic roots, where the writing really shines. There are occasional grammar/spelling errors and sometimes the writing feels inappropriate for serious scenes. (example, the scene where MC gets kidnapped. explaining the bloodshed as "pinatas" does not immerse the reader or make them feel the same horror the MC feels while watching your love interest slaughter a bunch of villains for you lol.
theres also a lot of instances where they tell instead of show. It's more acceptable with visual novels since, they're well-visual-but sometimes this happens even when intense scenes are happening.
for instance: instead of saying "despite ray's stony facade i can sense some sadness in his tone"
expand on the 'sadness' expand on how it's subtle and how the character can still decipher it. Use this as an opportunity to reestablish the MC's closeness with Ray.
the art is really pretty and one of my favorite things about the game next to the GUI design. The main menu is really cool and I can tell a lot of thought went into it.
Overall though, I enjoyed playing this game. It was fun. There is a lot of potential in this game, and I hope my feedback is helpful to the creator!
Thankyou for spending the time to write up all this feedback! It must have taken so long to not only write but also organize your thoughts :3 I appreciate it! I totally understand where you are coming from and I feel similarly about a lot of your points.
I agree that the game is a bit short, originally when I made it it was intended to be a part of a game jam.... but I took too long and missed the deadline LOL. So that's why it feels a bit abrupt, I agree that it would have been better if I had more padding in there. I intentionally wrote it leaving out a lot of background information (like info abt the naha and aliens), I think for some people this was frustrating as a lot of people like the deep dive into world building. I didn't want to dive too deeply into those points because I was worried it would take away from the point of the game itself when the game was already going to be short, unless I wanted to take year to making it I needed to be really choosey on what I showed. I also liked the shadowy nature of these things, that although there is a lot MC understands, there is far more mechanisms out there that is beyond their knowledge or understanding, just like Ray himself in a way.
The reason that the MC acts more civilian is an implication that although MC was a villain a lot of their life was under Double's wing, he protected MC from a lot of the 'real' bloodshed (aside from his own violence that becomes more out of control), something he himself is frustrated by.
MC does not have kids, when the protection of their family was mentioned it was parents/siblings. I probably should have specified that more I didnt even realize it could be interpreted that way with kids but feels like such a duh moment now! And yes Double would absolutellllly use it against MC.
Your feedback on writing is definitely noted and some of these things I have noticed abt my writing since making this game :) hopefully my next game will be better in that regard 💕
OMG I did it. Here is my second part of Binary Star the incredible saucy free indie game that I just could not stop playing I was hooked when this blonde bombshell gave me that look with his icy blue eyes! I am a sucker for superhero's and that is my downfall. Here we go folks put on your seatbelts for this one!
Is there a guide somewhere perhaps? I've been trying to get anything but the bad ending and I keep failing miserable TTwTT can someone tell me how to get the good ending
i didnt know what yo expect coming into this game but just. Wow. i absolutely love the characters and the way the main character is written, and the ILLUSTRATIONS??? HELLO??? i didnt expect this but im certain this game is in my top 10 now!
← Return to game
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Para esto aprendi ingles, lo ame y si un dia decides crear mas contenido al respecto, no me importaria tener que pagar por el
When is the game out? Orrrr is this it- If there more i can't wait to play it again and when is it going to come out if it not really the full game?
This is it. BSH is a stand alone game :)
lord this game made me scream so much and stay up far too late giggling and kicking my feet... ray my beloved (and the really amazing worldbuilding too, like good god this is so interesting and fun!)
ray is so beautiful
so real
Really enjoyed this VN. Told a nice contained story but made you care about the world. Also nice work on the art, those hypersaturated cgs near the end were particularly gorgeous
the story was really good, i don't want to be one of those ppl, but every ending was really triggering, i get it has a warning page, but i don't know, it didn't emotionally prepare me for that. good game though! just because I'm fragile doesn't mean it wasn't a positively fabulous read! btw, did i get all the ends? or do all of them end with suffering like i thought they did?
OMG THERE ARE AFTER STORIES!!!!!! for some reason for my first playthroughs they didn't show up but i finally git to play them and let me just say Ray has my whole and complete heart and i finally got all the achievements yay!
ok so what I did was I got every ending even the window and door ending , the next day I finally noticed the after stories in the top left corner ones I played through all the after stores I got the final achievement
aa i should check too! tysm! ⭐
I really loved this game! All LI were interesting and fun, my favourite being Ray. I'm also very grateful for the walkthrough too. Thank you guys for making it <3
this is peak storytelling. the writing is so interesting and the main love interest such a compelling character. in some ways, i wish the game were longer just so i could stay immersed in this world for as long as possible. in other ways, i feel like the game is perfect as is, everything that needed to be said was said. the art and music are the perfect partners in elevating the story. it's been two days since i played, and only now can i articulate how this game made me feel. if you're hesitant at all in playing, please take this as your sign to give it a try.
this being the first vn i play in a hot min was great. terrifying....but great. i honestly havent felt like so great as of recent so me needing to literally STAND AND START PACING WHILE PLAYING THIS AND GIGGLING AND SHIT.. this is peak. 2000/10. thank yeww!!
I just recently got into visual novels and played both this game and Favor and I need to say that this is amazing, you are amazing. I hope you continue making these games cuz' they truly are a highlight of my life :)
Absolutely love your game! The art, the story everything about it! ⭐️
I LOVE THIS GAME!!! I love Ray and just want to see this man get some sleep, I like to imagine that in Ray's good ending he eventually quits the NAHA and get some MUCH needed therapy and he gets to live a normal life with MC
Whoops! I misclicked and accidentally deleted the comment (I believe from a user called Kris) when trying to reply to it😱😭😭😭 IM SO SORRY! There is a guide attached in the downloads.
In order to get the 'complete all' achievement you will need to read all of the side stories aswell
Whenever I download it (Using both pc and win links) it just freezes my computer and I can't even see it. I just hear music and see my cursor change.
Could someone help me please? :C
Hmm, I have never heard of this happening. Do other vns work with your pc?
I got all the ending through the walkthrough and I am still missing four achievements? Is there a way to get them?
подскажите пол главного героя, пожалуйста
The gender of the main character is not specified, so you should be able to play as whatever gender you would like. Please note that the love interests are male and non binary. :)
Cute game! I'm just wondering how do you get the "Complete all of Binary Star Hero" ending, cause I'm pretty sure I got all the cgs, and other endings. I even went though all the after stories. And I can't seem to find any guide on the last ending? Oh and btw the walkthrough is kinda blury and hard to seem for some reason Q^Q please fix it or upload another version tysm.
did u get bad endings? if the last ending is what i think it is, u get it after all endings
I think I got all the bad endings, I even replayed the game again to make sure T^T
You have to play the after stories as well! All of them at least once.
this game is cute, crushing and horrifying in so many ways
play it right now
I think this is my first game on itch.io and youve set the bar high! Absolutely love it!
I am such a huge simp for Ray that I even paid a Instagram artist to draw this
HOW CUTEEEEEE!!! 💕🥰❤️💕❤️💕❤️
Thank You so much CONCRETEPARASITE for making the games I have watched various gameplays and did AI chats with Binary Star. I have a few mundane questions about Ray and the other characters. I really appreciated if u could answer them.
I want to start off with what is Ray last name when he does paperwork. I know he was under another care of the big time famous hero in the 80's so I assume until Ray was 18 he took his guardian last name.
Then about Miles, it was mention that his father was a famous villian and how he comes from a long line of villainy. Does Miles have any superpowers? I wish the MC could get a sneak peak of the relationship between Miles and his dad such as overhearing a phone call or something similar to that.
I wish that the MC encounters Ray boss at least once like a Easter egg such as MC accidently bumping into Ray Boss without knowing it.
If you do make another Binary Star game in the future I would definitely like to see Blaze again so he can give more backstory about Ray or as his firey self.
Last question I have in my mind right now is regarding to MC family. I know the details may seem unimportant to the story and I may be asking too much but who are MC parents and siblings? Are the siblings older or younger? How many siblings does the MC have? Do the family know about MC past villian activities?
Just a random headcanon ideas if Ray met MC family such as a face time call, visiting them for Thanksgiving, or the family track and find MC themselves.
for a second i thought it was All Might
i juststtt started playing and im wondering if the other characters like the co worker r going to hav there own luv story?
Its very cosmic horror
I've completed all endings so far, this game made me feel some emotions and opinions so I decided to write this review. I'm scatterbrained, and so is this review so sorry lol ;p
first of all, I really love the cosmic elements of this game. It's unique, and it shines through the plethora of other phycological/romantic visual novels of this kind. I was a bit disappointed that the ray endings didn't have much elaboration. We get a little bit of backstory from the comment thread but it would've been cool if more was uncovered during this ending as it can be argued this is the "true" Ray/Binary Star ending. We also get snippets of what his life was like during Binary Star and the hero's association but it's never really fleshed out and it's disappointing because I bet this would've been a really intriguing plot if the player decides to go with ray's ending. In general, if the hero vs villains concept had more cosmic features to it I believe this story would stand out a lot more.
alien invasion feels too comic/satire like for me to take it seriously as a major plot point, which it is in one of the endings. Whenever they mention alien invasion i just think of 60 seconds lol. Maybe if the aliens were more expanded upon and were given unique features and name for the species but the author never really goes into depth so i feel detached. Tell me more about these aliens, how were they created? how do they work? why are they so evil? why do they hate humans?
the family backstory for the MC is unnecessary and it would've made more sense if they were a mid 20's villain escapee with no kids who stole to provide for their own family instead of kids. Especially since the way the MC acts throughout the game is childish and they hardly thinks about her kids except for a few times, which is unrealistic especially considering the circumstance. They would've at least reached out once throughout the start of the game to see how the kids or caretaker is doing. Also, knowing the character of Double, how come he doesn't use the kids against MC? either way, this could've been rewritten/developed more
MC acts like they are a civilian rather than a villian in most parts. They hardly show off their (i'd assume to be) expansive insider knowledge of the heros vs villian fighting except for one instance. they also act repulsed/shocked at whenever ray/binary star does some wild shit when the MC should be used to it, hell, even attracted to it.
double feels like a cartoon villian. I love his concept as a character but its hard to see him as a character rather than a caricature. His name also reminds me of double stuffed oreos so theres that
there are moments, especially when ray shows of his cosmic roots, where the writing really shines. There are occasional grammar/spelling errors and sometimes the writing feels inappropriate for serious scenes. (example, the scene where MC gets kidnapped. explaining the bloodshed as "pinatas" does not immerse the reader or make them feel the same horror the MC feels while watching your love interest slaughter a bunch of villains for you lol.
theres also a lot of instances where they tell instead of show. It's more acceptable with visual novels since, they're well-visual-but sometimes this happens even when intense scenes are happening.
for instance: instead of saying "despite ray's stony facade i can sense some sadness in his tone"
expand on the 'sadness' expand on how it's subtle and how the character can still decipher it. Use this as an opportunity to reestablish the MC's closeness with Ray.
the art is really pretty and one of my favorite things about the game next to the GUI design. The main menu is really cool and I can tell a lot of thought went into it.
Overall though, I enjoyed playing this game. It was fun. There is a lot of potential in this game, and I hope my feedback is helpful to the creator!
Thankyou for spending the time to write up all this feedback! It must have taken so long to not only write but also organize your thoughts :3 I appreciate it! I totally understand where you are coming from and I feel similarly about a lot of your points.
I agree that the game is a bit short, originally when I made it it was intended to be a part of a game jam.... but I took too long and missed the deadline LOL. So that's why it feels a bit abrupt, I agree that it would have been better if I had more padding in there. I intentionally wrote it leaving out a lot of background information (like info abt the naha and aliens), I think for some people this was frustrating as a lot of people like the deep dive into world building. I didn't want to dive too deeply into those points because I was worried it would take away from the point of the game itself when the game was already going to be short, unless I wanted to take year to making it I needed to be really choosey on what I showed. I also liked the shadowy nature of these things, that although there is a lot MC understands, there is far more mechanisms out there that is beyond their knowledge or understanding, just like Ray himself in a way.
The reason that the MC acts more civilian is an implication that although MC was a villain a lot of their life was under Double's wing, he protected MC from a lot of the 'real' bloodshed (aside from his own violence that becomes more out of control), something he himself is frustrated by.
MC does not have kids, when the protection of their family was mentioned it was parents/siblings. I probably should have specified that more I didnt even realize it could be interpreted that way with kids but feels like such a duh moment now! And yes Double would absolutellllly use it against MC.
Your feedback on writing is definitely noted and some of these things I have noticed abt my writing since making this game :) hopefully my next game will be better in that regard 💕
Thankyou again for the feedback!
OMG I did it. Here is my second part of Binary Star the incredible saucy free indie game that I just could not stop playing I was hooked when this blonde bombshell gave me that look with his icy blue eyes! I am a sucker for superhero's and that is my downfall. Here we go folks put on your seatbelts for this one!
tjhis game i s so good
It's so good it's sinful!
Is there a guide somewhere perhaps? I've been trying to get anything but the bad ending and I keep failing miserable TTwTT can someone tell me how to get the good ending
there is a downloadable walktrough here. Look at the download titles <3
im so sorry but i cantfind it- where exactly is it????
nevermind! im stupid lol tysm
my favorite game I cannot stop thinking about the game I wish that we got a bit more close or comfortable with ray. but I love love this game
ahem never mind I feel scandalous writing that never mind tho hihi
i didnt know what yo expect coming into this game but just. Wow. i absolutely love the characters and the way the main character is written, and the ILLUSTRATIONS??? HELLO??? i didnt expect this but im certain this game is in my top 10 now!
I know right I am so in love!
I love this so much. I have a love for superhero and yanderes its like this game was made for me.
I've played this game in the past, but I came back just to say I LOVED this game!!! Although im not expecting it, id love to see more game content! <3
Downloads taken down for a few days - will return sometime in the future