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Android ver PLEASE 😭 

I've been surviving off of playthroughs for too longghgg egdvchjcn😭😭😭


did you try joiplay? I used it and it worked fine


*Deep inhale* BEST GAME EVERRRRR!!!


Ah... I feel nostalgic just from seeing their faces again. This game was... so to say my entrance into games of this kind of genre and it surely marked me and raised my expectation for other games of this type. Which is why I feel comfortable in saying.... RAY I luv you so much?! I'm shook, how am I suppose to fangirl over other fictional chars when you basically check all my boxes?! Not fair, not at all. Anyway the whole cast is interesting and I felt affection for all of them, even Double, yeah, kinda took me off guard, usally not really a fan of people who target my fingers, which is probably why I choose to date Ray in my "canonically" headstory. Why do I like Z and wanna romance him even tho he also posses a huge danger to my fingers? Because I'm a hypocrit :3 (Demons kinda bring out an unresonable side of me. xD)


I NEEDA SEE MORE OF RAY his ending was my fav 


I played this game a while ago and it has just been stuck in my head all the time!! Such a good game ;;


OKAY, this will be my first comment ever cause i HAVE to.  I LOVEEEE THIS. So much so that i actually played it for the first time about uhmm lets see, a whole month ago and it's STILL constantly on my mind. Like i LOVE the concept of a hero that's a yandere. Top Tier. BUT THE EXECUTION?? OMGGGGG don't get me started.  SO good. My favorite thing in these games is... THOSE moments, like the ones where you just stop, gawk, heart pounding, internally screaming and you just rewind and reread it over and over again because WOA. 

....THIS HAD soooooo many of those moments!!

ugh obsessed

So listen I've played about a million otomes, it's been my favorite hobby since i was like 13. This??? TOP 3. It's so good. THE ART style adds SO much btw?? Like I'm obsessed. I got some homelander vibes ngl.  THANK YOU for making this, we need more games like this SERIOUSLY.


down bad for ray


I spent four hours completing all the endings!!! 10/10 game💗


i am down atrocious for ray 


i am still down atrocious for ray


What about now?


in my mind i am perpetually working in a cafe flirting w ray .. i appreciate u asking


i think ray might have permanently altered my brain chemistry. i hope someday you add the full suggestive scenes into the game omg *-* like guuuurl... aint no one reacting to his warnings by backing off. you know the people freaky enough to go for him would react by projecting images of themselves gobbling his cawck into his mind. who'd rather get any sleep???? be so fr (/lh).


OMGG THIS IS SO GOOD!!! I played all the endings! But i really love Rays Route oh my god! The twist that he's a stalker jckdkd i like it! He's character is so well build, wanna hug him and just lay down and sleep on a bed for eternity! 


this ate DOWN


I love this game so muchhh!!

El juego es increíble, tanto la historia como las imágenes de cada personaje pero tengo un problema y es que no puedo hacer el ray ending ni el quasar ending. Ya vi el tutorial que dio el creador pero no se que estoy haciendo mal, ¿alguien sabe como hacerlo?

Hola gracias por tu comentario!  La guía que he publicado debería funcionar para obtener las terminaciones adecuadas... Verificaré que no tenga nada de malo.  (disculpas por cualquier error de idioma, estoy usando un programa de traducción en línea 😅)

Lo conseguí!!! Después de varios intentos entendí que estaba haciendo mal, la guía no tiene nada malo yo me había confundido pero gracias por responder a mi comentario <3

Adore todas las historias que cuenta y a cada personaje espero poder ver mas de tus juegos


me podrias decir donde encontraste la guia?

es la ultima descarga en la línea de descargas del juego, donde dice "BSH walkthrough.png" solo lo descargas y yaap :b

i don't know what's going on but i don't have all the options to choose from, so when our apartment burns down, we have to die cause when we go to the balcony, we can't call ray  


Hello! Please download the walkthrough and follow it to get the option to call ray. This option only appears if you have high enough affection with him.


this is genuinely amazing?? also loathe reference omg

Hi, I am playing the game but for some reason it keeps getting back. First it happened once every few minutes and just a few texts, but today I was unable to keep playing because I literally couldn't get past a certain text. I don't know if it's just me. It doesn't happen with other VNs

Hello, I have never heard of anyone encountering this issue before. Do you mind emailing me with screenshots and more details? My email is


Can u guys make one for Android


Hello. I am just one person who made this game, I do not have a team of people, the process for making an android version of a vn is pretty convoluted and at the current moment I do not have the time to take this on. Perhaps in the future though.

(1 edit) (+8)(-1)

Wow, I can't even put into words how I feel right now. Initially, I was unsure about what to expect from this VN, but now I am so grateful that I decided to play it. I have never encountered anything like this before. The storytelling, characters, and music are all excellent and incredibly well-crafted. Ray has completely captured my heart!! The different endings were a pleasant surprise and added to the overall fantastic experience <3


aughhh that was crazy i've never actually experienced that sort of atmosphere a game before, it's absolutely electric


te daría todo mi dinero si pudiese por crear tan hermoso maravilloso increíble juego, no puedo dejar de jugarlo es increíble, que gran creadora 


BEST GAME SO FAR OH MY GOD, i have a question though, how do you get the 2 last endings? I already completed all of Binary star endings and Hal and Double.. So I dont know what i should do to get the last two.. please help!!



My brain chemistry has been altered by this. I finished Ray's route and stared at the wall for ten minutes. I cannot put into words how fantastic this game is.
The art is breathtaking. The characters are complex, complicated and I love them with all my heart. The writing makes me scream into my pillow, I can not stop thinking about it.
"I close my eyes and sqeeze Ray tight, hoping, praying to anyone for a future that is kind." AHHHHHHHHHHH.
I only played through all of Ray's endings so far because one night is only so long, but all of the endings brought me to tears. I think this may be the best visual novel i have ever played. Heart wrenching in the best way, with a beautiful shimmer of hope at the end, if you make certain choices. MC's monologue on Ray's good end was incredible. words. Many tears. A feeling of hope despite all. Despite everything that has happened, despite the struggles waiting in the future, hope prevails. Hope for a kinder future, for love, for healing.
Thank you for creating this work of art, it changed me in the best ways and I will carry it close to my heart. Thank you. <3

ok I don't even know how to explain what this game was about, as I'm too slow to play and understand English Come on, I really loved everything this game gave me, at first I thought it was a little uninteresting but I started picking up the pace, and then I just got better and better, and after that I just wanted to play and play more and more, without even knowing The game had yandere elements but it made me very happy!!! There were so many emotions of fear of laughing and having my heart broken, I was very, very immersed in the game... I really can't calculate that when it was over I thought my game had a problem... I'm definitely at a loss for having finished !!!! I wanted more, however I know there are more endings to be had but I think I have to let the sadness of finishing pass because this game did what I love most about these games, it immersed me in the universe that it was difficult to finish the game and don't think about going back to it I know there's a lot more to see but I need to recover from the shock of the ending... I know I'm being dramatic but that's what this game made me feel And for the developers, you are incredible, it was an incredible experience with WONDERFUL AND FANTASTIC arts, everything was very wonderful!!!! After all, I really want to see what the next game is about!!! Thank you very much for the experience

After finishing all the endings and seeing them all, my verdict is that this game is fantastic!!!!! The art is beautiful, the music and the characters, I loved some more than others but it was a very good experience!!! I got a lot of bad endings with Ray, which caused me a lot of frustration until I got the good ending with him and I LOVED IT, I WAS HEATED BY THIS ENDING THANK YOU VERY MUCH (because throughout the story I genuinely really liked the real persona that is Ray, thank you for this personagen so complex but so kind) I really loved it, it was a very positive episode, I can't wait for the next one!!! (I'm sorry for any errors I'm using Google Translate)


The game is incredible! I was very captivated by the characters and the realism of the conversations and relationships with them. The drawing style is unique and I like it. I received all the achievements and am satisfied.


so far, i only got binary's route, and i must say that it made me so uncomfortable and skeptical the whole time (in a very good way!). It was so well written, and i loved everything, including the characters !!

I will try to get the other endings, but i can't wait to see what else you have in store !!


I saw a post on Reddit that recommended this game. I checked it out, saw the reveiws and I WAS BLOWN AWAY! The characters, the art, the story, and most importantly RAYYY👹👹👹 has been stuck in my head for the past few weeks. I don't usually have hyperfixations this bad but the tired blonde white man has me on chokehold and I cannor stop thinking about him. Does he belong in a mental hospital after all the things he went through? YES.  BUT HES HOT AND HE LOVES US SO WHO CARES?! I can def fix him and his absent mommy (and brother) issues. ANYWAYS I LOVE THE GAME AND HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT TO PEOPLE WHO LOVE A GOOD COMPLEX CHARACTER!!!


This game is really good, honestly despite the good reviews, I was skeptical that it would impress me but it DID!!!! I have an attention deficit so it's really hard to get caught up in something, and this was so good that I finished it in one day! Thank you for making this game spectacular, it definitely made a mark on me. <3


Truly One of the Best game i've played!Stayed up all night to get all endings...BEAUTIFULL Def gonna play this game over and over again

[me at 3am, getting all endings]


After getting all the achievements I can safely say I loved this!!! The comic book presentation and character designs are soso cool along with some gorgeous CGs. Ray was my fav character but I also rlly liked the side charas (Hal my beloved...) Overall awesome work!! 

(also idk if its a bug but the colors of the MC and Double's dialogue are suddenly switched halfway through his after story which was a bit confusing) 


I have no words...this game was truly amazing.  Thank you for sharing your hard work with us, Connie!


oh. my. god. THIS GAME ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. the only flaws I see here is theres not MORE. the art isnt just jaw dropping but the writing AAAAHHHH. Ray is my everything fhsahfsadhfs. I 100% this game and I have no regrets that it ate up my evening.  Im baffled truly.  Ik I already mentioned the art but i'm going to mention it again because ITS SO GOOD some of my favorites i've seen in a visual novel (I took so many screenshots of Ray lmaoooo) 

I adore more mature visual novels they just hit so good, and this game is not exception.  EVERYONE SHOULD PLAY THIS RIGHT NOW PLEASEEEE <3

(Rays ending is my fav hehehehhe)

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)


Really enjoyed the story. It kinda leaves you uncomfortable and bitter especially on Ray's route that's why i preferred the others more (especially Hal my love) and probably because he is so mighty i guess and the power dynamic is so big. Like he can decide death to all humanity if he wants. But that doesn't mean i consider it bad at all obviously it's more surreal but the good kind lol

Looking forward to your other game which i also checked out months ago ^^


OMGG!!! I played this game and ngl I ended up crying. BECAUSE a little shithead that killed me actually had me charmed, and I was so sad when I didn't get to spend ALL OF MY LIFE with him in the house fire. Overall ITS A FUCKING GOOD ASS GAME AND RAY IS SO HOT AND CUTIE PATOOTIE!! I'm shocked it didn't cost anything!! I love games like these! ( I keep playing this game because of this fine babe :))))).


I don't want Miles route, i NEED Miles route 


(my English is poor so it might be a little weird)

To be honest, I didn't expect much at first. I didn't even know it was a yandere game. I thought it wants people to know hero would also be tired after work and we should recognize the other side of him. (though the results seem to be kind of similar)

So when I finished playing the game, I definitely felt very surprised.  I really like ray , but interacting with him do make me feel very heavy, feeling that I have to observe his reaction to decide what I should say.(not a negative comment I like the tension ) I don't think they changed much in the after story, either Binary star or Ray still scares me a bit(good thing I am not MC otherwise I would screw it up)MC has quite a long way to go, especially when you have to cope with someone who can destroy the earth.

The last scene in Ray's route is my favorite, filled with a sense of divinity. The existence of MC helps him keep humanity and create connection with the earth, which makes me feel amazed and touched.

And after game, I feel more about the title: the binary star refers to two sides of Ray, his ability, and the hero MC.  In a sense, they do sacrifice themselves to save the earth, this great cause is grand enough for them to transform from a regular villain into an unknown hero.

(also a little wonder know whether in other routes the earth will be destroyed. Why did Ray stop chasing? Is he disappointed in the MC?)

And I also want to know Ray's age, just a little confused because I think he doesn't look that old, maybe it's just a flirtation)

Thank you for creating such a wonderful game, I've played Favor and look forward to it as well!(Though still want to see more Ray)


One of my fav games EVER!!


I've been obsessed with this game for DAYS. I don't think I'll ever play a game that I like as much as this one. It's made so amazingly THANK YOU SOSO MUCH. <3


Bravo, amazingly done!


This game absolutely lives up to the hype in the comments.

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