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can someone tell how to get rays ending 

Which one? There's a walkthrough. It's just an image with all the choices and who it effects. 

But go for the balcony and don't call for Binary Star. More choices to lead to one of three endings (hand and save for Ray ending though as that seems to be what you're after).

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you, I did not see the walkthrough. 

I WANT TO SAY THAT I LOVE THIS GAME BEYOND WORDS❤️❤️❤️❤️ , and I hope you continue to make more games like this, because its just *chefs kiss*


I'd like to ask again if you could please tick the OS checkboxes on the edit project page? It will only take you a second, and without them it's impossible for me (and others who rely on the itch app) to play the game. I have an intermittently unstable internet connection and downloads through the browser often instantly fail for me. It'll also improve your own visibility, since right now the game won't appear in any OS-specific searches.


Here is my playthrough, or Part 1 at least, I hope you enjoy it!

(1 edit) (+6)

WORDS cannot describe! This game belongs in a museum as it is a work of art! First of all the story quickly had me hooked, I love stories about Heroes with questionable morals and while it was obvious what was going on the reveal felt so earned (the phone bit was genius, I could almost feel the ground falling from under the MC's feet) And the creative use of the different text boxes!! I've spent about 5 hours with this game trying to uncover as much as I could and there's STILL things I didn't unlock. I know it says this is a stand alone game but I would love to see more of these characters! I hope you enjoy my playthrough when I get done editing it! Congratulations to you and your team for this masterpiece!


It's an honor 😊 I can't wait to watch the playthrough !

Also I am very flattered you assumed I had a team to help make this lol 😩 💕 just me (and Zack who made the music and some sfx editing of course!) 


This. This right here, has been that superhero fix I've been craving after such fatigue from media like Marvel or the Boys or Invincible.  I just adore the writing, you can just feel how much the writer cares for these characters and you get so invested so quickly with them. It handles its themes and topics with grace and confidence, that leave you sitting in bed contemplating  whether you made the right choice. 

Honestly, this entire game feels like such a labour of love. There's charm to the sprites, love how unique everyone's body language is. I wanna give kisses to every bag under Ray's eyes. I could and will do, replay this game over and over. Incredible work to everyone involved! 


off topic but how dare you call out us reader insert fanfic writers DX there are currently only 6 works for this game and I hope that changes soon.... uwu


I really took my time to enjoy every line, every action and decision in he game. All the characters have so much charism and personality. It's really amazing how unique they are giving so much fun to interact with them, they all captured my heart! All the lore behind and world set in this realistic universe where heros and villains exists it's so interesting to me. In the end gives us something to reflect after about how we as human and a society interact with each other. The soundtrack really gives the atmosphere and the vibe at the moment. And the art style it's simply gorgeous and captivating. Words cannot describe how much this game it's perfect to me. If it was possible I would give infinity stars ✨❤️


This is one of the best takes on the "superhero" trope I've ever experienced. I was enamoured with Ray from the get go! I really loved him and how complex and well written his story was!


This game is so blindingly fantastic. Every character feels genuinely, viscerally real. I was actually shaking during some parts, covering my eyes like I was watching a movie. It is rotating in my head like a microwave.

Ray my beloved u absolute freak of a man i am losing my SHIT


Hi! Could you please mark the downloads with the OSes they're compatible with? (The checkmarks next to "Executable" on each file on the "Edit project" page) Without it, it's currently impossible to download the game via the itch app.


This game absolutely changed my life  and totally made home in my brain. I love how real the  characters feel and the writing really brings these characters to life! The music is beautiful, it really added more emotion to a scene. Honestly I'm not sure how to put into words how great this game is and you can really tell the passion that went into making this game! I also really like how it sticks to the comic book aesthetic  and how when the mouse moves so did some of the imagines lol


Genuinely left speechless about this game. Which does translate to extreme ✨brainrot ✨. I have never 100% completed a game (all endings, all achievements, etc.) but I ate through this game like it was fresh air. The real pain that the MC and the characters in this world go through, especially Ray, is heartbreaking and feels so endearingly human. I've genuinely never wanted to hug a character more than Ray, his pain and the things he's gone through could reasonably break anyone, much less someone who has never known love, so his existentialism feels so realistic to the situation he's in. Intensive therapy is needed for the poor lad (which would be a hilariously awkward scene to imagine, especially considering he couldn't really tell anyone what he's going through unless they were part of the NAHA, and honestly he needs less of them in his life). 

This game is just incredible! Thank you for all the hard work and effort you put into making it, it's incredible. If you ever released an art book or prints from the game I would snap it up quicker than you can say ✨"Binary Star, Save Me!!" ✨


From the moment I started playing, I was hooked by its fun style, interactive features, and mesmerizing music. I am impressed by how smoothly the game runs – flawless coding, no glitches. The achievements are a big plus too. They make me feel accomplished and motivated to explore everything (I'm a collector type so yeah xD)

Now, the art style is amazing! A mix of painting and comics is just so brilliant. The visuals are stunning cuz' it's full of vibrant colors and details that bring the game to life. So yeah, I love the game.  It's a masterpiece!


Minor Spoiler Warning!!!





I know how dramatic it is to say that this brought tears to my eyes but I was just not expecting this level of depth and storytelling when scrolling through the yandere tag. My mind is often consumed with questions about the universe and people like how do we develop empathy  or what grounds us to this world and each other. In this game this is a theme that is explored deeply as Ray struggles to find something to hold onto and preserve his humanity. I truly believe that at some point in our lives we all struggle to find purpose in life or reason to care for others. It is something ingrained in us from the time we are born, its something we all know but to understand it is something one is required to do on their own, something Ray was not given an opportunity to do.

I could talk about Ray alone for hours but still I feel it needs to be said how human ever character is made to feel. Miles, Haley, even Double. I think that is what I look for most in a game, I want to feel the humanity of it, the thoughts and hopes that became lines of code and brush strokes and I can say without a doubt that's what this game is.

This was a bit of a garble of thoughts cause I'm tired but uh I really liked the game <3

Thankyou so much for your comment. I'm so honored that it was able to resonate with you to that degree and I am thankful that the feelings and questions of 'humanity' were carried across 💕 your comment means a lot to me and will stick with me. Thankyou

(2 edits) (+1)

I love this so much thank you for making this\


I have played Favor so I was already hyped when i started the game, BUT DAMN I WAS SO NOT READY.  The quality is insane, your writting is beautiful AND THE FUCKING CHARACTERS ARE AMAZING AND SO WELL-WRITTEN. I love, LOVE RAY but i love Double too (yeah im into this kind of guy and the after story just made everything better to me). 

Its funny to me because i dont even like anything related to superheros, and here i am, WITH A MASSIVE BRAINROT ON RAY.  HE IS LIVING RENT-FREE IN MY HEAD, IM TELLING YOU. 

Thank you for the insanely good game. Im really, *really* looking forward your next works. Im your fan now. Hope you stay safe and healthy!















GOD I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS GAME!!! everything about it is so good, the writing, art, how great characters are.. just everything! i also would love to make edits of it but i am not sure how to get the  sprites and cgs to my phone so thats going to wait i guess :3


God, this game is fantastic. It’s the perfect ratio of fucked up to sweet, and it’s been living rent free in my head since I played it last night. The characters are so intriguing it’s making me want to write fic again. 


It was, as always, an absolute pleasure to be asked to compose for one of Concrete's games. The final product is sensational as expected and was an incredibly fun experience to play. :D


Man, I love ray. But I also gotta say i love double vision. That after story? chef's kiss. I fucking love that kind of shit. I also really loved the gorier parts of the game. This was really fun!!


do i even leave a comment when this person already nailed it on the head


i had the fortune to playtest this, and let me say, it's even better at a full game.

as with a lot of people here, superheroes aren't really my thing. marvel has burned us out in its supernova, and the "dark side of heroes" stories like the boys are too edgy for me. i think what makes binary star hero compelling is its focus: on people. it is not hugely a focus on the roles of villains and heroes, on the aliens with no name which attack the city, on even binary star himself. it's a desire for people to be people. the protagonist's desire for a normal life away from their kpop mafia-like villain in crime. the desire for haley to live without the heroes. the desire for ray to get coffee and have a personal life. the desire for miles to help people. the desire not for a life of crime but for you from double. the superhero stuff is important, but it can serve as a backdrop to "everyone here needs therapy, actually, and a warm cup of apple cider."

ray is a very compelling character. oh, to be human, to be normal, but to also cling onto the mask which has brought you adoration. i very much enjoyed the art of him, his slips into his superhero character, and his desire to just pet cats and drink coffee.

haley was probably my favorite, though. i love green. i love a good villain doing it to piss off the rich. they were probably the most reasonable person in this whole game. really loved every moment with them!

concrete's art and writing are absolutely stunning as usual. feels like a real comic book. paired with zach's wonderfully fitting music, i was immersed the whole time.

thank you for this!


I had a really great time with this game. The characters, especially Ray, are very well written and I enjoyed all of the routes. I also really appreciated that there was an epilogue for each of them, showing what day-to-day life would be like. It's something I wish more dating sims would do and is  a satisfying narrative conclusion. I've managed to get all endings, but I'm still missing some achievements  and have no idea how to get them. Is there maybe a guide for this? Otherwise great game. I look forward to your future work

Hello! To get all achievements you have to get all endings (including the generic bad ends) and read all of the after stories :)


This is amazing yall, i totally recommend this game. It got me hooked and wanting to play to the end and get its multiple endings.

PLAY IT! It has my tummy on edge and wanting more.

(1 edit) (+7)

🎵I need a hero🎵
🎵I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night🎵
🎵He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast🎵
🎵And he's gotta be fresh from the fight🎵

Excellent work, I love Binary Star so much <3


One of the few times I've played through a multi-hour game in one sitting. (all told it did take about 2.5ish hours w/ guide after finding three endings on my own and then getting impatient lol)

Short review for scrolling strangers: if the content warnings do not alarm you, definitely give this game a shot.








Going in I was unsure if this would be up my alley since I'm kinda ~meh~ on superhero stuff lately, but I loved the themes and the (probably) more realistic take on how heroes in a world similar to ours would be molded, abused, used, and controlled. Something about overpowered heroes who are exposed to the worst and look out at the world and think "What am I even fighting for?" hits the spot. How even in my favorite ending while Ray is still broken from his experiences and probably always will be, there's a glimmer of hope. Dude's been messed up and seen and done too much... but I'mma stand beside him. The Binary Star ending gave me chills, just straight emotional damage and I mean that in a good way. Adored Haley and their ending , just living our best band of thieves lives. (incredibly jealous of the shapeshifter powers, and also I feel dumb for not being more suspicious of the cat in hindsight. guess just like the mc I'm a sucker for felines) Double... can be returned to the wilderness for someone braver to handle. Imo he is so attractive looks wise, but far too... intense for me to even pretend. Regarding the setting and characters there was a lot of depth and charm. Thumbs up for the writing!

The quality of the Favor demo knocked my socks off and the quality here is also amazing. The comic-book/pop art stylization is very appealing, and the effect where the cgs wiggle when you move the mouse is so neat and fun to play with. Have to give some love to the music too, which was lovely.

Lastly, am losing my mind totally normal about the "Your Good Friend" achievement. 

So yeah TL;DR I had so much fun playing this. 10/10 thanks for the game and looking forward to your future projects!


The hero is a complex guy. It's neat seeing how our choices can affect how he's going to be in the end. I got all the ending much not sure how to get the rest of the achievements. I would love to see more of this guy.


If you have all the endings that are noted in the walkthrough, reading the after stories should trigger the final achievement(s) iirc.

Will there be a guide for endings? 


It's a downloadable png where the game downloads are :)


Connie, once again you knocked it out of the park with this. The amount of effort you put into your projects is awe-inspiring. Coding all of the albums and achievements and redoing all the buttons must have taken forever. I always find little details about your work to obsess over and this time it was definitely the text boxes. It all feels ripped straight from a golden-age comic in the best possible. 

The art style for this is also amazing! You mixed your normal painterly style with comic book art so well. The ben day dots and different streaks of color add to this very immersive world you've built. Binary Star's design is so reminiscent of heroes like Superman while also being very distinct in its own way. And the parallax images max it feels like you're looking at the page of a comic book and trying to take in all the little details.

Alright, I'm gonna get into some spoilery stuff now.





I went into this not expecting it to be a Yandere game. I didn't look at the tags and the shiny comic book finish just made me think it was going to be a normal superhero-type visual novel. Oh boy was I wrong...  Ray is such a great character who feels very grounded in the reality he lives in. He does a great job of not seeming like a yandere until it's too late. And the ending did a good job and showing such a wide range of possibilities. Though I will say the good ending and after story for it remains my favorite. 

The idea of him actually trying to be better and not just locking the mc up is very nice. Though you can still see him falling into bad habits and wanting to keep them in his condo. I'm also very glad the after stories exist, it gives such a good idea of the funny little hijinks or the shitty conditions that the player finds themself in (speaking of which fuck double I'm taking his fingers away). 

And of course, Z just decided to show up in the achievements and be the bastard (affectionate) he is. I'm so excited to see what you continue to do with favor and any other projects you decide to pursue because you always make such great work.  


OMG i am sorry if i make mistakes. i am not native + overly excited by this game. I have been playing it all day and still miss some endings - but i am gonna fix it soon. 
I have to admit that i was not interested at first in game because superheroes are just not my thing. BUT your game just impressed me and i am so much in love now. This game has strong vibes of The Boys and Rey shares something in common with Homelander. and i love characters with questionable moral- codes.  i hope, there is nothing wrong with such a comparison...
This game is really worth playing and Autor is a very talented person 
I wish you an even higher level of inspiration and support for your future projects (and you specifically) than you had for this one. 


I'm so glad you enjoyed it! To be honest I used to really enjoy super heroes, like what the Xmen stood for, but I started to really dislike them, and recently with how the super hero genre has kind of become a money maker for capitalism rather than a voice for the voiceless really annoys me. I think if heros existed in our world of rampent capitalism it would be a nightmare both for us and tjem, and this game kinda reflects my feelings about that lol.

Ray was a fun character to write, and I'm really happy that you enjoyed his dubious complexities 🥰💕 thankyou for the thoughtful review

(1 edit) (+4)

spoilers in this comment for peeps who havent played, idk how to spoiler on here other than doing a bunch of dots lol






honestly just so good i love ray so much binary star is stinky >:/ (i was never much for heroes, i liked his just total insane fuck it we ball side tho) i kept getting his ending for ages lmfao until i eventually figured out how to get ray’s one so i can get his afterstory.. i could go on and on about ray’s design i really loved just every part of his character, even tho he is a lil unhinged (i probably would be too if that was my power and childhood and also job lol. man gets no off days like damn guys…. cant rely on a single guy to keep the planet safe!! smh.) the shower scene just made me think of that lets take ibuprofen together meme, truly my poor little war criminal u_u

i found it so funny how the player was so shocked finding out they’re the same person like how did we ever survive being a villain?? like bro i have been notified since i saw this depressed little wet pathetic cat in the cafe on my shift!1!! i loved the moments of the narrative where characters spoke more about the world (giving context to agencies like NAHA, gov corruption and the questionable ethics of superpowers/heroes etc.) it would be interesting to see a spin-off or something exploring that more if you are already interested in making something like that!

the art was absolutely gorgeous but i noticed with the parallax the images do cut off, so i recommend upsizing them just a very tiny bit so when the player moves the mouse inside the viewport the images don’t de-sync because theyre precisely the size of the screen (something like 50-100 pixels on each side would be a good margin for players who will try to look around in parallax scenes)

i’ve spotted some grammar/spelling mistakes, but i’m not sure what lines they were on so i just have some screenshots i’ll probably send over on discord if thats cool with you since we’re in some shared servers o7

as for completion, i can confirm it took me around 2.5hrs for completion (mostly bc i was getting repeated endings from trial and error) and i am a fast reader so thats probably a minimum guideline, if people like to slow the text display speed or leave it at default (my eyes find instant text display/max text speed much easier to handle personally)

can’t wait to play more of your projects!


Oh my god, thankyou so much for the thoughtful and in depth review. I  am really touched 🥺💕! I'm glad you enjoyed it and yes plz send me the mistakes you noticed on discord if you can (no pressure tho)

Thanks again for taking the time to play and send your thoughts like this, I'm super honored!


i’ll send them over then, i didnt wanna spam out of the blue or anything lol! it was no bother i loved the project it was a really refreshing take on certain aspects of superheroes and their powers <3


There is something deeply wrong with every character in this game and I love it


One character needs intensive therapy, one character needs a lobotomy, and another character is Haley

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